Become A Remote High-Ticket Inbound Closer In 4 Weeks or Less (And Make A Killing)

1:1 DM Access | Weekly Coaching Calls | Guaranteed Placement 

Are you HUNGRY to become a leaderboard-topping, record-breaking salesperson before the end of the year? 

If so, you’re in the right place!

You can earn 10–30K a month while…

Are you HUNGRY to become a leaderboard-topping, record-breaking salesperson before the end of the year? 

If so, you’re in the right place!

You can earn 10–30K a month while…


  • Working WHEN and WHERE you want
  • Talking to only PRE-QUALIFIED LEADS
  • ​Closing after JUST ONE CALL

Sounds too ideal to be true, right? 


Check out what’s happened to Michael…

Michael's testimonial

Think about it: you get all the perks of being a business owner – Freedom, Flexibility & High Income WITHOUT the risk.

What would this freedom look like for you?

  • Buy a house
  • Travel the world
  • Pay for your wedding 
  • Help out family

The possibilities are endless. 

What exactly is high ticket sales?

How Do High Ticket Sales Work?

Ever seen those ads where an influencer is offering a training on how to make money online, lose weight, or win back your ex?

If you were to click that ad and follow the “customer journey” all the way through, in the end, you would be offered a program or service helping you accomplish what was advertised in the ad.

This offer would be made via a phone call or zoom, and it would run you anywhere from $2,000

(but really more like $5,000) to $20,000 (or sometimes as much as $50,000)

What’s more is that these programs and services are flying off the shelves faster than toilet paper in March 2020.

In fact, this is literally a multi-billion dollar industry that keeps growing every year.

And best of all, the demand for people to close these deals is only increasing.

Where Do You Come In?

Business owners have a serious issue.

They’re WAY too busy to be taking sales calls all day. 

That’s why they hire high ticket closers like YOU to do the selling for them.

You get on a discovery call with a prospect to determine their pains and goals

You then pitch the program or service you’re selling as the #1 SOLUTION to their problem that’ll get them to where they want to be.

Naturally, they’ll have some objections, but because you’ve anticipated this, you know exactly what to say to get them to buy.

Watch what objection handling skills did for Matthew’s sales!

Once you close the deal, you collect their payment information.

The business owner pays you a 10–20% commission.

You move on to the next prospect – rinse and repeat.

Everybody wins: you, the business owner, and the new client.

Sounds simple enough, right? But let’s get SUPER realistic for a second. 

Suppose you’re completely new to sales.

You enroll in the program. But because you’re skeptical, you first try it out part-time.

Here’s the worst-case scenario:

  • You book 20 calls a week
  • Statistically, roughly 15 of them will show up 
  • At the industry standard of 20%, you close 3 of the 15 deals 
  • The offer is priced at $5000, but your commission is 10%
  • ​So, at the end of the week, you get $1500
  • ​Your total for the month is $6000

I don’t know about you, but I’d say it’s still pretty damn solid for a PART-TIME GIG!

Last year, David FAR EXCEEDED this after only three months part-time…

David’s testimonial

So, just imagine what could happen if you did this full-time. 

  • You book 40 calls a week
  • 30 prospects turn up 
  • But because I train you, you close 50% of those
  • At $5000 a pop and a generous commission of 20%, you’ve got $15,000 in your pocket in a week 
  • That’s $60,000 a month! 

All without any cold-calling or knocking down doors.

Okay, so now you might be wondering what the game-changer is.

It’s called the RapidClose™ Method.

Inside my personalized coaching program, I teach you how to sell by being YOURSELF and having FUN. 

Pouya’s testimonial

Here’s What You Can Expect from the Coaching Process



We pinpoint the gaps between your skills and the level needed to hit your goals



You get curated content to help you learn, upskill, and close those gaps



Practice with other students through mock calls and role plays 



Bring your recordings to live small group coaching sessions to analyze, dissect + discuss



Continuous improvement post-placement through audits of your real sales call recordings

How Effective Is This Training?

Promising as the coaching process may seem, it’s ALL ABOUT THE RESULTS. 

Here’s what it’s done for people who learned from me…

Erick’s testimonial

Terrance’s testimonial

It sounds unbelievable, I know.

But it’s the story of so many of my clients.

Now that you know what’s possible, let’s talk about getting you hooked up.

How Does Placement Work?

We partner with 100+ businesses that sell high-ticket coaching or done-for-you services for industries such as real estate, e-commerce, marketing, fitness, personal development, and more.

For us to work with them, they have to:

  • Make at least $100K a month in revenue
  • Have a dialed-in sales + marketing process
  • Get great results for their clients
  • Have at least 1 salesperson making $10–30K a month

As soon as you’re ready, I’ll supply you with a list of businesses that are hiring and match you with the opportunity you’re looking for.

Check out how long it takes to land a closing gig

Since you’re in my program – you come pre-vetted by ME. So you get to skip the line of the 100s of other reps applying.

Hear how Chris was placed in LESS THAN A WEEK!

You decide which gigs you want to move forward with, and, once placed, we ensure that you top the leaderboards on their sales team.

You get to reap the rewards of your investment and hard work.

But Don’t Hit Me Up Just Yet…

There’s always a catch, right? 

As eager as I am to get on a call with you, there’s something you need to know.

I’m SERIOUS about what I do – and I expect total commitment. 

I work only with people who have a GROWTH MINDSET and CAN-DO ATTITUDE. 

My clients are all TEACHABLE and RESOURCEFUL. 

And, very importantly, they’re willing to INVEST IN THEMSELVES. 

But Why Should I Invest In This?

Now you might be thinking…

Why am I paying to get a job?

I mean, you can try to get a job in this industry on your own for free but good luck getting noticed amongst the 100s of applicants per position.
Many of whom already have direct experience in this space and have already completed at least 1 or 2 training programs specifically for remote high ticket inbound closing. 

And if against all odds you do land an offer, good luck vetting it and figuring out if it’s worth your time without guidance from those who’ve been there.

With us, you go straight to the front of the line, and only get placed with proven, pre-vetted sales gigs. You’re not paying for a job, you’re paying for skills and ACCESS.

What if I don’t need more skills though?

Look, maybe you don’t need training, and you’ve got all the skills.

If that’s the case, I have no problem placing you literally tomorrow, as long as you’re willing to invest in the speed and convenience of that.

I can set you up with unbelievable opportunities without you having to ruffle through hundreds of gigs just to find one suitable one. It just comes down to what you value more - time or money.

But, Mitch, there are recruiters out there placing salespeople for free!


But they act in the best interest of the business owners who pay them, not you, the closer. Their only “criteria” for a “pre-vetted gig” is “did they pay my hefty recruiting fee”.

Do you really want to put your career in the hands of a recruiter that views you as just a number to fill a spot?

In most cases, you’ll wait months for an offer and then be right back to where you started if, but (statistically speaking) more like when, it doesn’t work out…

The free route could be costing you valuable time that could have otherwise been spent closing deal after deal and making money.

Okay. But if your program is so good, why don’t you just take a percentage of my commissions when you place me?  

In a perfect world that would work, but I would actually be doing you a disservice if we did it that way. 

I’ve tested the rev share model in the past, but the up front model performed ASTRONOMICALLY better at getting people to actually follow through on the program and become successful in their gigs. 

Mainly because they had skin in the game and something to lose. 

So, about that willingness to have skin in the game: If this is not you, I can tell you now that this program won’t be the right fit. 

BUT, if this IS YOU, there’s a helluva adventure ahead of you. 

Ready to RADICALLY change the trajectory of your career?

Before you click below, be sure to WATCH THE FULL VIDEO at the top. 👆

It’ll answer most of your questions + tell you whether this program is the right fit for you.

So, What’s My Deal?


My name is Mitch Sapoff, and I’m the founder of RapidCloser and the RapidClose™ method.

My journey began in 2016 when I started selling B2B software and services.

Although lucrative, the long sales cycles were KILLING me.

The idea of a one-call close was exhilarating.

Several years later, I finally got into remote high ticket inbound closing.

In just 3 months, I hit $30K in commissions PART TIME.

Less than a year into it, I was doing $100K revenue WEEKS.

Through helping other reps on my sales teams level up, I discovered that my true passion was developing high-performing salespeople, and so the RapidCloser program was born.

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